Racing/Crusing updates

Racing/Cruising updates:

Greetings sailors, I'd like to take some time to update everyone on a few matters that apply to all sailors.

  1. Until the publich health orders are changed, only same household members should be sailing on boats.
  2. Racing is suspended until our public health orders are updated. This means the Cole Cup will not take place as scheduled. I will update events once we have further orders.
  3. New Year's Day "Not A Whaler" race is CANCELLED.
  4. It's time for all division of sailors to submit their next years racing registration form found here , if racing division 1 (PHRF 180 and under) or division 2 (PHRF 181 and over) you will need to send your 2021 PHRF certificate along to me with your registration. Email CFSA Fleet Captain <>  your scanned documents or drop off in the Fleet Captain mail slot on the stage at the club. I expect to see all regsitrations by the end of January, if you don't submit your registration or PHRF you are not eligible for awards.
  5. Sadly, Swiftsure 2021 and Van Isle 360 2021 are CANCELLED. RVicYC has indicated they will host some form of a race on the Swiftsure dates, stay tuned!
  6. Our awards night planning will not be determined until after we have further orders from our public health officer.

Bob and I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. We are sad to not be able to share our boat with friends and family but look forward to the future when it is again safe to do so. Stay safe, enjoy your boats appropriately and all the best in the New Year.